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Hello Luvs!

I'm Nava (pronounced: Nah-vah). I'm a Raqs Sharqi Dancer (aka Bellydance)! It is my passion and I truly love it! Not a day goes by that I don't think about Bellydance! Whether it's creating fabulous choreographies (in my, sewing costumes, or scouting Golden Era dance videos to learn something new, Bellydance is in my blood. Actually, teaching dance is my reason for creating this website. I began officially teaching again in June 2022! We all know the effect of the pandemic on face-to-face interactions. I wanted to create a space to register for dance classes and to talk about Bellydance! However, in the beginning stages of creating this website (I'm there, right now), and deciding what content to include, I realized that I have a lot more to share than my bellydance experience. So, I'll be sharing; sometimes too much. Especially in my Blog. And since this is MY platform I can do that.  


You'll learn a lot more about me as I learn website building (is that actually a term?). But in the meanwhile, I'm sharing ALL of it: My love for God, Lifestyle, Hobbies, Work, Fashion, Health, and General Well-Being AND to be totally honest, I REALLY need to improve on all of the above, not necessarily in that order. 


Take a look around! Once you're done, let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you so send me a quick note.


Come by and visit here often; I have some surprises in store! I KNOW you will be surprised at what we can find to talk about! I'm sure you have some useful tips and helpful information to share with this community as well. I would LOVE to hear about it!


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